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Pre-Demolition Asbestos & Lead Testing
Connecticut requires property owners wanting to renovate or demolish non-residential structures and residential structures (with 5+ housing units) to get an asbestos inspection before the project begins. Should an inspection determine asbestos-containing materials are present, property owners must have them abated by a licensed asbestos contractor.
While Connecticut does not have testing requirements for lead-containing materials (such as lead-based paint), it generally requires contractors to notify property owners of the risks of lead-based paint if they are renovating or demolishing the interior or exterior of a structure built before 1978. This information is meant to urge property owners to abate lead-containing materials.
If you need a contractor to perform asbestos or lead inspections, turn to Warrior Abatement Services. We are highly experienced in this area of work and possess the necessary certifications to perform it. Beyond inspecting for asbestos or lead in your property, you can also trust us for quality abatement services. We take pride in ensuring the people of our community stay safe from the dangers of asbestos and lead.
Have a Demolition Project? Partner with Warrior Abatement Services.
We are well-equipped to handle your demolition project. With us, you can get renovations underway or develop a site without worry. Every demolition job is unique, so reach out today to discuss what you want to accomplish. You can trust that our team will work closely with you to ensure they deliver results that meet your specifications.
For interior and exterior demolition services in Plainville, call (860) 935-8210 or contact us online.